What is your farm doing to mix spawn into substrate?
We're suffering with manual mixing by hand. It doesn't scale.
Looking to upgrade to a continuous band sealer, any recs besides the Bosch 550 mentioned in one of the videos? Trying to stay under $3k for now

We all starting somewhere. There's my first home lab set up. Im about to buy a flowhood soon and epoxy paint the desk, now i'm using a homemade glovebox. I got everything I need to make it work.

So say one were to set up a fruit room that isn't wicked big like 12'x10' by height of about just over your head. Does anyone think a humidifier like the one I'm about to picture is better than like the house of hydro type of disk fogger? They also have some kind of anti bacterial cube for 6months. Definitely pretty expensive. About $480 something. Also how small of a space is a hart piece good for?
Growing mostly Chestnut Mushrooms
What's up Mainers 🤘. Just wondering if you guys have found conclusions about how many 10lb Chestnut blocks is a maximum amount assuming there is a perfect FAE/humidity situation. I'm about to be building a Chestnut only grow room which is about 500 Cubic Feet of space. Possibly an answer is doomed to a shit load of variables. Had a tent packed and removed a few blocks because I assume they were breathing all the air up and the CO2 was hard to keep below 900. My aim is to achieve at least 40blocks fruiting. Any advice is sweet I just don't want to mess up the first big round of them as I'll just go pick them up from you guys. So far I've been able to use trade over money for funding. 10oz Cordys got me a Flow Hood and various side masonry jobs got me $1,200 of which I have what I need now, steel studs in all. We have a shit load of kids so spending my income/losing money is not an option for me

This broth has insect powder in it. I have no idea if it's better than anything else but I will say it somehow slowed down growth in general.
Any essential equipment for tincture production that has made your process easier/more efficient? We have some pretty basic alcohol extraction and boiling extraction methods. I have seen some people talk about industrial strength grinders as a way to increase surface area and extraction.
Combo pellets was pretty cool to see. $500 for a ton seems really affordable too. I've spent over $500 this year for far less than 2,000 lbs...........shit. I've went the soy pellets and hwfp and to see your pellets like with no standing h2o in the bag looks perfect.
I start to grow golden enoki for the first time. I had exudate(metabolite) in the incubation process. I did top fruit in the fruiting room like king oyster. The bottom stem when I cut it was brown inside with a hole in the center. Some was twisted as well. It is a type of bacteria or is normal? I feel they don't have enough airflow with the plastic around when they are pack.