Aaron Kang


Dec 30 at 03:23 PM

Looking to upgrade to a continuous band sealer, any recs besides the Bosch 550 mentioned in one of the videos? Trying to stay under $3k for now


Mar 28 at 12:29 PM


Hey Erik,

Thanks for the response. I may have misstated my question, what I was wondering is what exactly is on either side of the unions that is allowing it to connect to the other components of the air line?



Feb 27 at 11:20 AM

Bit of a stupid question but I'm trying to wrap my head around the HART system before getting any of my parts in and I'm unclear on the air line.

Is there rubber hosing running throughout the length of the line between all the unions/regulator/solenoid? 

I'm assuming not since the hosing isn't threaded lol but what am I missing here? 

Can't wait to stop cleaning my ultrasonic tub...