Select a membership:
Countertop Cultivators
You are here because you are the bee's knee's for digging, listening and supporting the free conversations of the MycoWizard's Podcast, available everywhere you can download or stream podcasts. Your monthly contribution supports the freedom of the show! We wizards are eternally grateful for the love and beer money!
MycoWizard Deep Dives
Join the Deep Dive Club today and get instant access to our catalog and rolling releases of video podcasts, deep dives into all of the topics around mushrooms and cultivation, pheno-flicks where we jam into a strain and examine it in all of its fungal forms, as well as story time episodes where we share the lore from cultivators around the globe! Use the code MYCOTRY at checkout to get your first month of access for free!
When you become a Deep Dive member you will automatically be entered into a monthly drawing for cool mycological giveaways! For the next few Months we will be giving away a Nomad Lyte Flowhood, from Lab-Rats Flow-Hoodz for all your traveling laboratory needs!
Liquid Culture Club
Thank you so much for considering being a Top Rung Supporter of the MycoWizard Madness!
Receive all the MycoWizards content plus one 20ml aerated liquid culture syringe mailed directly to your door each month! Please remember to include your address for mailing cultures (No PO Boxes please and only USA and Canadian Addresses).
When you become a Liquid Culture Club Member you will automatically be entered into a monthly drawing for cool mycological giveaways! For the next few Months we will be giving away a Nomad Lyte Flowhood, from Lab-Rats Flow-Hoodz for all your traveling laboratory needs!
Agar Culture Club
Thank you so much for considering being a Top Rung Supporter of the MycoWizard Madness!
Receive all the MycoWizards content plus one culture mailed to you each month for free! (cultures are normally $75 each + shipping). Please remember to include your address for mailing cultures (No PO Boxes please and only USA and Canadian Addresses).
When you become a Culture Club Member you will automatically be entered into a monthly drawing for cool mycological giveaways! For the next few Months we will be giving away a Nomad Lyte Flowhood, from Lab-Rats Flow-Hoodz for all your traveling laboratory needs!
Culture Club 2.0 (yearly)
Interested in adding specific cultures from our cryo-storage to your culture bank? Get 12 phenotypes all for the price of 3 cultures at Become a 2.0 Culture Club Member today and get what you want when you want it. This annual subscription gets you 12 of our phenotypes all in one go... You choose what you want and we will get them ready and shipped out to you. Along with that you get a full year of all of the Deep Dives and exclusive MycoWizards content! (Culture Club 2.0 shipping only available to the US and Canada currently. When you sign up, email to request your desired phenotypes.)
When you become a Culture Club 2.0 member you will automatically be entered into a monthly drawing for cool mycological giveaways! For the next few Months we will be giving away a Nomad Lyte Flowhood, from Lab-Rats Flow-Hoodz for all your traveling laboratory needs!