Travis Wright

Winamac, IN, United States

66.6% Irish, 23%german, 4% Scandinavian, 1% finish, 3.7% neanderthal, and a few percent of unassigned DNA. Proud pagan

Oct 24 at 09:14 PM

I totally honesty I've tried many times to grow the brick cap indoors and failed miserably. Several failed cultures but had a few fruits from a liquid fungi culture. 1 week on oatmeal flour yeast dextrose agar, 3 weeks on grain, resting 2 weeks, 1.5 month colonization on 60/40 maple/soy, 1 month rest, cased with vegetable/straw compost and kept wet for 3 more weeks to pinset. Took around 2 weeks to finish. These are all rough approximates, but not even close to what stamets had stated, possibly difference in genetics. I have tried more combinations of variations in these times than I have fingers/toes. I'm going to refine this slowly over the next year with monthly starts on a few bags. Previously I had tried pasteurized casing and yielded no pins but it could have been other factors such as incubation time or rest before initiating fruiting. Possibly substrate as I previously used oak/oat hulls. It's my intent to nail down indoor wine caps as well. Mainly out of OCD and arrogance. 😁 


Oct 01 at 03:51 PM

I have a hypsozigus tessalatus-beech (spelling butchered) culture I cloned from store bought I'm thinking of growing once or twice before I buy a plate from you guys but I know almost nothing about it. On grain it grows really slowly but really dense. What kind of incubation time am I looking at? Is it fast fruiting  like oysters or need to sit a long time like chestnut or shiitake? Also just got brick caps to fruit the first time recently but really disappointed. Only 6 mushrooms and I can't even find anyone that has got them to fruit before, that was like 5 months of incubation on the successful block....... Not successful but it fruited. Cased with non sterile compost, stamets book noted they need micro organisms in the casing to initiate a pin set. Any idea how to grow them properly? If not no worries it's just a side project 



Sep 22 at 02:08 PM

Recently joined the culture club and ordered some genetics. Very impressed with the packaging and quality of the cultures. The golden enoki and lions mane plate cultures are super aggressive. Also tried out the king oyster and reishi grain spawn. So far every thing I have received has performed well on media and grain, moved 40 blocks into my tents this morning, looking forward to seeing the final product and yields. Thank you so much for everything you do, you have a lifetime customer here. Soon I will be trialing out the maitake and 3790 shiitake to compare with my current cultures