Yes, I agree with Dakota. I Â really love the videos; I didn't notice the balance between background audio and foreground yabbering unbalanced as much as the general mastering isn loud enough. a bit more volume on the audio would be helpful;Im maxing out my laptop volume and still leaning in to hear. Â I work with a number of bouncy house fans for FAE and the background noise of those bright green suckers makes it a bit difficult to hear the audio on the videos.
Replied on Thank you so much Eric for that lates...
Jan 26 at 09:37 AM
Yes, I agree with Dakota. I Â really love the videos; I didn't notice the balance between background audio and foreground yabbering unbalanced as much as the general mastering isn loud enough. a bit more volume on the audio would be helpful;Im maxing out my laptop volume and still leaning in to hear. Â I work with a number of bouncy house fans for FAE and the background noise of those bright green suckers makes it a bit difficult to hear the audio on the videos.