Phillipe Kenny

Modesto, CA, United States

Jun 19 at 12:18 AM

Gregorthanks for the info. It's awesome to get the inside scoop on what you guys have tried, your results, and what you are testing at the moment . It's very interesting to me and exciting how much still hasn't been established in terms of "industry wide" SOPs at scale and is currently being tested. At least that's my  perception when I see how much y'all are still figuring out the best SOPs for what would seal like basic processes. Maybe in this case, it's because the pinks are one of the relatively newer commercial scale strain in the US market?

Jun 19 at 12:16 AM

I was just gonna post that exact question haha

Jun 17 at 06:14 PM

I would like to say that it IS reassuring to hear your anecdotes because the thought of the possible consequences of smuggling "biological material" is always in the back of my mind. In the small chance the cultures are found in my suitcase, having them confiscated is not a problem, but could I be arrested? On a similar note, sending material through mail, in the story where you said it was incinerated, were you or the person who it was addressed to implicated legally at all? Like with a fine or otherwise (your name on a watchlist, haha)

Jun 17 at 06:01 PM

Thanks guys. You were both very helpful once again. That confirms my suspicion that going the legal route is not worth it or even plausible in my case.

I will try both the suitcase method as well as mailing as a gift as a backup before/when moving abroad.

Funny story, when I first tried to mail these through USPS (UPS was over $100 for a light package), when I tried to do things the "right way" and declared on the form that it was biological material, they simply said sorry, we can't mail this, and didn't even give an alternative (get a permit/ be linked with a researcher or institution). They just said sorry, no can do. To be fair, that didn't surprise me because customer service at USPS tends to be deplorable, 0 patience to work with you to find a solution or explain anything. So then I went to another location and put "shampoo sample" and no questions  asked. In Brazil, it got stopped in customs, but then went through after paying $12 taxes.

May 13 at 12:22 PM

Ahh ok, now I understand a little better. I figured in my ignorance I was making assumptions and missing important details. I definitely need to study deeper. Thanks for sharing your what you're learning on it. It's awesome to be able to share questions and get more clearer explanations as I begin to dive deeper in the complex subject of basidiomycete reproduction.



May 10 at 11:12 AM

Hey guys,
I started watching the deep dive on Di-mon. Super stoked y`all are tackling these more complex and fascinating topics and simplifying it just enough so more of us who haven't gone into the more advanced aspects can also get stoked about it.

I heard something in the beginning that I wasn't sure was correct, so I wanted to check, cause maybe my own understanding is off. 

Towards the beginning, Gregory said something along the lines of "If they like each other, they will become dikaryotic There will be plasmogamy, but won't be fusion of cytoplasm, just sharing of nucleus." Did he mean there won't be fusion of nucleus, just sharing of cytoplasm? My understanding was that with plasmogamy there is sharing of protoplast (cytoplasm and organelles) but not yet the fusion of nuclei, which happens during karyogamy. 



May 09 at 12:23 PM

Does anyone have experience sending strains abroad (not through a company)? I feel like they are gonna get very suspicious at customs, since it is biological material, and they won't let it through. 
I want to send cultures to Portugal. My plan is to try both by mail and, if that fails, in my suitcase. The method I'm gonna try is 5 ml cryovials with agar plugs in distilled water, but if there is a better method to fly under the radar, I would like to know.
Anyone have specific tips or experience with this?
I appreciate it as always.


May 09 at 12:16 PM

@Gregor We're dialing in the moisture content and working on the temps, but it hasn't appeared again yet.

May 09 at 12:15 PM

Gregor I read this earlier and never respondes, but thanks for the thorough and specific info!

Apr 15 at 11:16 AM

Gregor awesome we will try to tackle that. Thanks again!
