David Medlock

Sep 18 at 10:44 AM

Benjamin Harder I cultivate for profit yes, Highland Fungi.No still running trials tweaking the COW, the goal though is to be able to grow it for a nutraceutical side not so much market side unless we find a way to get yields WAY up. The horse feed is just one of the pelletized supplements I use, COW seems to like it.Not sure about the drinker part but studies show Laetiporus sulphureus to be beneficial to liver health.I have not fruited L. cincinnatus yet, I have a wild clone I am working but it's not a high priority at the moment. The underground fruiting nature of L. cincinnatus may or may not making fruiting more of a challenge.

Sep 08 at 11:29 AM

Also in my case the 14lb blocks were fully colonized in 7-8 days and then continued to get denser and grow up the bag to the filter. I had fruits in exactly 7 weeks from NOC which was on the slow side. You'll notice in my photo the discoloration around the base...that is from this particular bag spending too much time in a grow room, they don't require or like high humidity and are content to fruit at normal room temp and humidity parameters. Though I never tried in a HART room...


Sep 08 at 11:25 AM


Hey Ben! I can't speak yet to this months specific strain or what MCS will chime about...BUT this year I have had great success fruiting one of my local strains in XLS-A bags running 14lbs of substrate. I mostly used data from the study I will link. Takeaways for me were drier substrate is really important for COW like 50-55% and it likes higher supplementation. It also seems to like a good mix of supplementation. I specifically used 14% horse feed pellets for my run which had added trace minerals and such.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3599174/ 

Replied on Discord

Sep 07 at 07:30 PM


Sep 07 at 07:29 PM

Benjamin Harder HAHA I did the same thing and ordered a 3790 spawn block from them and cloned that fucker lol got #1 son too...

Sep 07 at 06:08 PM

100% this...the value of knowing the history of a strain is immense. What was the season/geographic location the genetics were found? How many people has the clone passed through so as to gauge its age? I tend to be a pain but I always pester whomever I purchase strains from to find out these details...


Jul 17 at 08:02 PM

Awesome! Be cool to see a few folks get lucky!