David Medlock

Jan 31 at 06:46 PM

David Medlock Yeah I even took samples from the fruiting block itself to agar just to be certain, still nothing but distinct COW hyphae. 


Jan 31 at 06:44 PM

See I assumed (never assume) it got the Sulphereus bit from the sulfur coloration of the pore surface...but rotten eggs is exactly the smell a distinct sulfur odor. Curious if cincnnatus will do the same thing...


Jan 30 at 04:07 PM


Erik Lomen diagonals are hard 😂

Jan 26 at 10:58 PM


Jan 26 at 10:58 PM

thanks Gregor! I started plating them and sending to dark incubation then cold. Any preference on agar mix that would be best? They seemed to like MEAP so far over others but haven't gotten crazy with it yet. Is peptone a bad idea in this case?


Jan 26 at 10:56 PM

Thanks! So I was on the right tract thats always nice! Thanks for linking that.

Jan 26 at 10:55 PM

Shake it up !

Jan 23 at 08:46 AM

In the top 5 videos hands down, really a great one for sure!

Jan 23 at 08:43 AM

Also to note...my whole OP is built around feeding the local population with local genetics and this extends to medicinal. Yeah commercial strains are awesome and I grow them too but the end goal is everything being from genetics within 50 miles.


Sep 23 at 08:54 PM


Tyler N AllenNo...I used this...
