October 30, 2023

I'm curious what everyone does/recommends..

I would like to follow the recommendation of using the leading edge of plates (as stated on the pheno-flicks) to inoculate masters. However, due to time demands, I have not been able to time my spawn production so that I am ready to transfer when the plate is at the perfect point (the mycelium is 1 or 2 cm from the edge let's say).

In that case, os it better to fridge the plate when it has myceliated maybe half of the plate and then take it out 1 or 2 days before I will transfer it to grain (so that it is active and growing) I can still use the leading edge)?
Is it better to leave it in incubation, and use it even a few days after it has covered the whole plate, but avoid taking from the edges that have a risk of being contaminated?

Really appreciate any inputs, opinions y'all may have.