Joe Kreckel


Aug 26 at 11:05 AM

Question about this Co2 meter - I have one in my preconditioning/plenum room that I’m dumping fresh air directly from outside with an 8” can fan. I have a “dust shroom” foam filter that the fresh air passes through to keep the bugs and dust out. I clean this reusable filter regularly.

Usually this setup can bring the PPMs down to 370-400 range pretty easily. Other times it’s a struggle to keep the PPM’s under 500 and this causes the exhaust fan in my fruiting room to run way longer than it should - drying out my shiitake blocks. I particularly notice this ppm spiking issue in the morning - and in the evening hours. Midday it has no problems maintaining 370-400ppm in said preconditioning room.

My question is can increased pollen production from the plant life outside affect the ppm reading? I’m located in NW Pennsylvania and over the last week goldenrod and ragweed pollen is making everyone’s allergies go crazy. Due to the high PPM’s in the plenum I’ve been struggling to balance the c02 in my grow. Does anyone have an idea of what could be making this happen? Here in North Western PA we’ve been having very cool temperatures in the morning  and warmer afternoons as fall is starting to kick in. This is making me crazy please help!


Apr 03 at 10:53 PM

Hart System - I have a smaller fruiting room setup in my basement for Shiitake (11’L x 5’W x 6’H) - I’ve started growing just over a year ago, bootstrapping and scaling up more each day. 

I digress - I loathe this house of hydro pond fogger half cooked homemade humidifier. I’ve been looking for a better way and came across your Hart/Pola video. 

This appears to be the answer to my pond fogger prayers - however I’m concerned with the size of my fruiting room. Can the system be dialed way down to meet the requirements of a smaller fruiting room like mine? Or am I stuck with the pond fogger until I scale out of my basement and build a bigger fruiting chamber? 

I appreciate the insight your videos provide. I’m ready to buy this system now if I’m assured it won’t overpower my smaller room. Thanks for your help in advance! 🍄✌🏻