November 07, 2023
• Edited (Nov 07, 2023)

Hey again guys! I just watched the short clip on your YouTube channel on the King Blue from mossy creek.. I have been growing it for 3 years now. Currently I have 2 accounts buying 80lbs a week of them in total. I’m sure you know, but that hybrid is even more prone to blotch than a normal oyster.. I noticed in your video’s description you mentioned to cycle different strains to reduce blotch? For example, the king blue will kill it for a month straight, and then it hits the fan for a few weeks in a row with blotch and messes up my weekly orders…. Per say if I cycle the king blue out with your Blue CNS like every 3 weeks that will help keep the blotch down??? Growing 80lbs a week of one type to meet my accounts orders and have it shit on me really hurts!!!

Thank you! Been learning so much from these deep dives and this community🖤🤘🏼