February 03, 2024

First of all mad props to the MycoWizards team!! 🤯  Y'all are crushing it and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.  I feel like you made the King Trumpet Video just for me and I haven't had a chance to watch it or much of the new stuff but tomorrow is the day!!  It's my day off and on full on Dad duty but I'll be streaming your content, working on my "Youtube University Mushroom pHD".

Enough smoke blowing... So, the main reason I reach out to everyone is, there's an auction locally that has this and there's no info about it.  The picture sucks, I know!!!

I can go look at the item in person on Thursday but does anyone know what this is (name, make, model)?  The size of the vessel?  What it runs on?  I guess just anything about it and if I should get it if it's a couple hundred... or couple grand or twenty five dollars?  IDK JK