March 19, 2024

Either the community or the mycowizards team. I was wondering if anyone has experience with Almond Agaricus? I’ve been trying over the years at this time with no real luck. I’m tried expanding spawn, I have LC (different culture) and no luck yet going to diff grains, I’ve tried low tech and high tech. I’m guessing it’s a substrate issue.  My old supplier FF said composted oyster straw bags but their spawn looked like wood plus I don’t have straw bags anymore. I’ve tried manure and straw but maybe it maybe wasn’t composted enough. I’m having my employee grab manure otw and going to try it straight. Idk why these bastards have given me such a pain.  As far as fruiting I’ve had great luck just breaking the blocks in half long ways and putting them under summer annuals mulched in compost/manure. Way easier and faster than making beds.