Some call it agent orange, others simply call it death, we still call it "the one we don't speak of"....You guessed it, good ol' Neurospora Crassa, the fungal contaminate your nightmares are made of! I have to say I laughed out loud at the whole "burn it down, burn everything" moment in The Last Of Us, but honestly cringed as it brought back the memory of our brutal battle with this demonic fungi. Although it might be one of the fastest colonizers on the planet it is surprisingly easy to get under control when you break down exactly where it's getting into your system of production. Weighing in at a single spore to slay them all, Neurospora will have you buying fancy band sealers and a pair of welding gloves as soon as you realize you just can't cut corners if you plan to keep the orange goblin of doom at bay! So join us as Erik, Tyler, and Flowhood Man Mr. Gregggggor explore this fungal contaminate in a recent case study that came across our inbox!